Pre-Roll Infusion Machine Benefits

Infused pre-rolls have become a major trend in today’s marijuana market, with demand constantly on the rise. We can safely say that these machines brought a transformative shift to the cannabis industry, delivering a lot of benefits to both manufacturers and consumers alike. So, let’s see what the hype is about regarding pre-roll machine benefits.

These cutting-edge machines have paved the way for even more consistent and high-quality production of the most sought-after products in the cannabis industry today.

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Source: / Photo Contributor: Thamyris Salgueiro

What Is an Infused Pre-Roll?

Infused pre-rolls are readily available joints that many dispensaries offer their customers. But unlike regular pre-rolls, infused pre-roll joints have a higher potency. Infused pre-rolls contain concentrate and cannabis flower, instead of the ground cannabis flower only. 

The most common concentrates used in infused pre-roll production include live:

  • Live Rosin

  • Distilate

  • Wax

  • Hash

  • Kief

Most consumers prefer to purchase their infused pre-rolls from dispensaries instead of rolling them manually by hand.

A good thing about infused pre-rolls is that consumers can buy as many infused joints as they want and get consistent potency. The consistency is mainly due to the automation of the production process.

Most dispensaries use filling and infusing machines, which allows them to produce large batches in a short time. These machines ensure each cone is consistently filled and infused with concentrate and cannabis buds. 

Pre-Roll Infusion Machine Benefits

Some of the most significant benefits of pre-roll infusion machines are the following:

  • Product quality consistency

  • Production efficiency 

  • Enhanced safety measures 

  • Cost-effectiveness

  • Versatility and customization

Consistency in Product Quality

One challenge that comes with infused pre-rolls manually by hand is consistency. It is impossible to get uniform-infused joints when rolling joints by hand. But with an infusion pre-roll machine, each joint is identical regarding potency and size.

Consistent product quality is crucial for building customer loyalty. If your customers feel like you provide them with inconsistent pre-rolls, they aren't likely to return. Consistency in product quality is a sign of a reliable business.

With consistent product quality, customers get infused pre-rolls with uniform potency levels. They do not have to worry about consuming more than they can handle as they know the exact strength of each joint. 

Luckily, product consistency is easily achieved with a pre-roll infusion machine. These machines automatically fill and infuse each cone consistently. Consistency in product quality is among the most significant benefits of infusion machines. 

For example, Jiko, our Automated Pre-Roll Infusion Robot, can infuse up to 800 joints per run, significantly streamlining the production process. Sorting Robotics even has a donut infusion machine. Just like our Automated Pre-Roll Infusion Robot, our Jiko Donut-Style Pre-Roll Infusion Robot has the capacity to infuse up to 800 donut-style-infused pre-rolls per hour.

Source: / Photo Contributor: Seventy Seven Supply

Increased production efficiency

As we mentioned, our infusion robots are capable of infusing up to 800 pre-rolls in a record time of one hour. This allows dispensaries to increase their production efficiency significantly. The infusion system of these machines makes production a breeze.

By automating their production, dispensaries may easily meet their infused pre-roll demand. Automated pre-roll infusion machines may infuse each pre-roll in about 4.5 seconds.

Most infusion machines only require customization input, and the rest of the process is automatic. Dispensaries and businesses may save the customization settings. This means next time, all they need to do is press the button ‘Start’ on the machine. 

Enhanced safety measures

Pre-roll infusion machines may help reduce exposure to harmful substances. This is due to their compliance with industry standards regarding safety measures. Infusion machines, like others handling products for human consumption, must meet safety regulations.

This ensures that all products made with the machines are lab-tested for safe consumption. All the ingredients are tested and safe to ensure no harmful substances get into the end product. This increases customer trust and ensures dispensaries sell only safely made products.


What makes concentrates so popular is their ability to deliver a significant psychoactive effect with just a small amount. However, the pre-roll infusion offers more than just consistent potency. It provides a range of advantages to businesses by reducing labor costs and material expenses and increasing production capacity.

Cannabis businesses can now offer infused pre-rolls at affordable prices without sacrificing profit. Moreover, the machines automate the process of filling, packing, and sealing pre-rolls, thus reducing the need for manual labor. 

Another significant thing to note is operational efficiency.

We noticed that a single machine operator produces thousands of infused pre-rolls, whereas a single manual operator produces significantly fewer.

Furthermore, these machines are designed to accurately measure and dispense the required amount of cannabis or concentrates, minimizing material waste.

Versatility and customization

Other benefits of pre-roll infusion machines are their versatility and customization options. With an infusion machine, dispensaries are able to custom-make pre-rolls per their customers' tastes.

The business may use various concentrates to produce infused pre-rolls with different: 

  • Potency

  • Flavor

  • Terpene Profile

  • Smell

  • Size

The ability to customize products helps businesses attract more customers. This may be because the choices entice consumers to come back and try out new flavors. Also, the dispensaries may offer pre-rolls in different sizes that fit individual tastes.

Pre-rolls with added flavor can significantly increase overall profitability and customer happiness.

Types of Infused Pre-Rolls Made with Infusion Machines 

With automation provided by pre-roll infusion machines, dispensaries may infuse their joints with a variety of concentrates. Some of the most sought-after types of infused pre-rolls are the following:

Hash infused pre-rolls

These pre-rolls contain hash, made by compressing and heating the trichomes from the cannabis flower. After getting the hash infusion, machines can infuse it into the pre-filled cones. Hash-infused pre-rolls may enhance joints by increasing their potency and flavor.

Kief infused pre-rolls

Kief is a concentrated form of cannabis. Hence, the kief powder is highly potent. When added to a pre-roll, it may enhance the potency and make the smoking experience smoother and more enjoyable for experienced smokers.

Wax infused pre-rolls

Businesses use different waxes to infuse their pre-rolled joints. Budder and crumble are common types of waxes used. In order to infuse their joints, they break down the wax so it may be added inside the pre-rolls during production.

Diamond infused pre-rolls

Diamond-infused pre-rolls offer an unmatched blend of potency and purity. Diamonds are the THCA crystals that form during the extraction process. When you heat THCA, it turns into THC. 

So, by adding these crystals to the pre-rolls, you significantly increase the pre-roll potency, allowing consumers to feel the potency the moment they light up the joint. 

Live resin 

Live resin is a similar substance to wax, but it has a different extraction process. Unlike wax, live resin derives from a cannabis flower that is not cured or dried. The freshness of the bud enhances not only the potency but also the flavor and terpene profile.

Solventless Concentrates

The solventless concentrates are made when the cannabinoids, terpenes, and essential oils are separated from the flower, wihtout adding chemicals into any step of the process. These concentrates are highly potent and usually available at a potency range from 60% to 90%.

Such concentrates are used in the process of making pre-rolls which include diamonds, kief, terp sauce, bubble hash, rosin, etc.

THC distillate 

Among the most potent concentrates is THC distillate, most often in the form of oil. Since distillates separate cannabinoids, they allow for the creation of highly potent pre-rolled joints.

Due to the high concentration of THC in the distillate, dispensaries may cut back on the amount of cannabis flower they add. They do this without sacrificing any of the potency levels. 

Regular vs. Infused pre-rolls

Regular pre-rolls may be a good introduction for beginners to marijuana, but for experienced users, they may come off as mundane for those with more experience due to the lower potency level. This is where infused pre-rolls come in. They offer new flavors, potencies, and smells that may surprise even seasoned consumers.

Infused pre-rolls, due to the concentrate infused, have better flavor and terpene profile. The greatest benefit of infused pre-rolls is that small amounts may produce powerful effects.

Thanks to the automation infusion, infused pre-rolls are now available in specific potencies. There are strengths fitting anyone's tastes and needs.

Source: / Photo Contributor: MWesselPhoto


The pre-roll infusion machine benefits are numerous, with production quality, effectiveness, reduced costs, and customization, among the most popular. Pre-roll infusion machines also comply with the safety measures during production.

For example, our infusion robots meet all regulations and safety standards to ensure the safety of products made with them.


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